Joint (TMJ) Treatment
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. TMJ diseases involve the joint and masticatory muscles.
Diseases of the Jaw Joint and its Treatment
A large part of society has a special purpose. It’s an age that would be around 20 years old who want to grow a chin. This problem manifests itself in the form of headache, ear, maxillofacial pain, tinnitus, noise from the joints, limitation in mouth opening, pain or slippage. Sometimes it will last in a way that cannot be redesigned, and sometimes in a way that can not be redesigned.
What are the symptoms of jaw joint diseases?
Difficulty and pain when opening the mouth or chewing
Pain in the ears, temples and cheeks, tinnitus
Neck and headache
Abnormal joint sounds (like clicking, clicking)
Locking or dislocation of the jaw
A constant feeling of tension and fatigue in the jaws
A change in bite
Facial swelling, asymmetry